Roy’s Blog Entry October 21, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog September 22, 2017

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

This week has been a challenge, as I lost one of my dearest cousins to the very conditions this website was created to help family members avoid.  Rest in peace Cliff! 

I have been working with several family members that want to live this life style, the question regarding protein and where it comes from on a plant based diet has been raised.  Well the answer is it comes from plants!  Beans, nuts, and leafy greens.  These are the main sources for protein I consume.  There are many recipes on youtube for delicious protein shakes that feature hemp, beans, greens and nuts that deliver as high as 30 grams of protein in one meal without dairy, sugar, or being highly process.

Education is the key to succeeding with this lifestyle.  It is important to know what to eat and why you are eating it, seek alternative foods and be creative, and truly understand the beneficial aspects of this way of eating.  There are many videos, books, and articles on this site that help me on my journey.  Everyone needs to experience their own educational expedition, whether it be by following using my discoveries or by self-enlightenment.  Just like every other learned behavior, there is education then the development of habits.  If you don’t understand what you are doing or why you are doing it, building good habits become somewhat impossible. 

I am enjoying the craving free lifestyle where my body tells me when to eat.  There are times when I just don’t have and appetite for the entire day, but there are times when a huge salad or grain bowl is absolutely required.  My energy levels are off the chart, turning my workouts into very productive 30-minute sessions.  I’m up early, make the bed, workout, hydrate, and THEN I start work the normal time these days. 

The weight is still falling off at about 2 pounds a week.  Sorry for missing the post for last week, but it was just too busy to post.  If you need support, kickstart, or encouragement please reach out!  Most importantly read, watch, explore, then switch to this lifestyle, it may save your life.

Video of the Week

This is really a funny  interaction between a little girl and 300 pound defensive linemen David Carter. 

Roy’s Weekly Blog October 6, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog October 6, 2017

Blog Entry

It has been a good week for me, I lost another two pounds.  Many comments have been emailed to with questions asking “…are you vegan or vegetarian”.  Changing your lifestyle, especially something as core to existence as your diet can be very confusing.  I was very confused vacillating between the low carbs high fat versus vegans  eliminating meat and animal product crazes.  After a lot of investigation and study, my aspiration is to live my life consuming a whole foods plant based diet.

My main source of nutrition is plant based food that is minimally processed.  So, what does that mean? Plant based whole foods are consumed in their natural and original form.  “Food that has been processed or refined as little as possible and is free from additives or other artificial substances.”  Some whole foods have a nutrition label (dried fruit, canned beans, raw packaged nuts, etc.), but the majority don’t.  Most come directly from the earth – fruits and veggies, beans and legumes and grains like brown rice are considered whole because they haven’t been altered from their natural state.  There is no need for a label on an apple or orange.  When I purchase packaged food, my goal is to find whole food as the only ingredient or at least first of never more than five ingredients with no unidentifiable additives.

There’s a distinction between whole foods and organic foods, which are quite different. In the case of fruit and vegetables, “organic” refers to the absence of pesticides, bio-engineering and irradiation.  Whole foods are foods based on whole ingredients, with minimal processing, preservatives and additives. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. This is a confusion for some people, but I eat organic whole foods when possible and whole foods all the time.  Depending on your areas availability and budget, you may not be able to purchase organic.  I try to grow as much of my own food as I can, and when I buy non-organic products washing my produce is paramount (for a spay 1 TBS lemon juice, 2 TBS baking soda, and a cup of water / 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water is a great soaking cleaner).  I am worried more about poor nutrition and the consequences, than I am with pesticides.  It’s not just cancer and heart disease that respond to a whole foods plant based diet. The China Study research showed it may also help protect from and even reverse diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, bone, kidney, eye, and brain diseases.  Plants are miraculous…

I don’t consider dairy a suitable food for humans, as it is a whole food for baby cows.  All animals are weaned off milk early in life, so why do humans consume another animal’s milk throughout their lives?…  NO other animal drinks another’s milk except humans.  Dairy is laced with puss, antibiotics and cow hormones, their fat and protein have been linked to cancer, and the processed byproducts are concentrated forms of the fat and protein in milk.  Human breast milk was made for baby humans, and whole foods are available for the rest of  our lives.

Video of the Week

MEL ROBBINS is a vlogger, serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, award-winning CNN Legal Analyst and Contributing Editor to SUCCESS Magazine.

Best known for inventing the life-changing 5 Second Rule, and delivering one of the most-viewed TEDx Talks in the world, Mel is the go-to expert on change, confidence, and decision-making for the world’s leading brands.

She’s also the most booked female speaker in the world.

Relatable, smart and real, Mel’s confidence-building research and fear-fighting techniques have been featured in more television shows, podcasts, magazines and bogs than one can list. From Good Morning America to Fox News, Oprah to Dr. Phil, USA Today to The New York Times.

Her popular vlogs on, and articles for various media partners reach more than 10 million people per month.

Okay, so what about protein? For an adult, the protein requirement is a minimum of about 4-5% of total calories per day on average or 0.3g/pound body weight. Scientists have measured people’s protein consumption and nitrogen balance and determined how much protein (as nitrogen) must be consumed to balance how much is routinely lost. This estimate is considered the minimum daily requirement. Because half of us need more protein than that average minimum, a safe number to shoot for is around 8-10% of total calories. At that point, almost everyone will be getting more than what they need. Eating a varied whole-food, plant-based diet will naturally provide approximately 10% of protein from total calories without any special effort. In developed countries we have the privilege of access to fresh, good quality plant foods at all times of year, and the variety available provides more than enough protein in the diet.

In my opinion, there is no safe amount of processed or refined sugar. Naturally contained sugars in fruit and vegetables are balanced by the fiber, vitamins, enzymes and other properties of the fruit/vegetable which slow sugar digestion and help the body deal with it more easily. Scientists have found that sugar is addictive and stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as cocaine or heroin. Just like those hard-core drugs, getting off sugar leads to withdrawal and cravings, requiring an actual detox process to wean off.

I avoid the consumption of highly processed foods.  These products are developed to extend shelf life not improve health or provide a nutritious alternative to whole foods.  They are typically laced with scientifically concealed sugar, salt and preservatives.  Most prominent are the fat free products that substitute fat with sugar, so it is palatable so we can become hooked on them.  Food producers have scientist that combine sugar and salt with scientific precision to ensure we are addicted to these products. 

So, why I don’t consider myself a vegan or vegetarian: I eat animal products…  My diet is based on eating at least 90 – 95% of my calories from whole food plant based sources daily.   In that respect, I’m somewhat an over achiever.  Daily, I eat almost 100% whole foods from plants.  On occasion, since July 17, 2017, I have eaten 3 – 4 ounces of meat (chicken or fish). It has been a while since my last encounter with an animal product.

Dr. Campbell of the China Study explains that the human body needs a diet of about 10 percent protein to be healthy (a range of about 8-12 percent depending on body weight). As soon as protein intake exceeds the needed amount, cancer enzyme production increases precipitously.  When we are exposed to a carcinogen, it is absorbed into the blood and then transported into various cells. Once in a cell, the carcinogen is then metabolized by an enzyme, which then mutates into a dangerous byproduct that attacks the cell’s DNA. He conducted many experiments with different types of protein both animal proteins from fish and livestock, and plant proteins like gluten and soy.  The result supported animal protein diets in the 10-20 percent ranges all promoted increased enzyme production.  His research also proved that a 10-20 percent and above plant based protein diet did not increase enzyme production or tumors.

Nobody can argue that reducing blood cholesterol levels prevents and reduces your risk for heart disease. In all the tests, and because of their massive data collection efforts, Dr. Campbell and his team found that animal based proteins raised bad blood cholesterol levels, while plant based proteins lowered levels.  The conclusions are clear: nutrition has everything to do with health and limiting animal protein to less than 10% of your caloric intake has been proven to reduce the risk of cancer and many other diseases including the contributors to metabolic syndrome.  I also have faith in the passages in the Bible that encourage eating meat.  I just make it a point to not over indulge, as the goal for following this lifestyle change is to improve health, and if the day comes were I need to cut out meat to do that, I shall!

There is a lot of confusion online supporting the latest diet life styles and crazes..  The following sections is an overview of the many different diets and lifestyles available and being  promoted.  This in no way is all inclusive.

Vegetarian – A person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. There are several vegetarian subgroups that eat eggs, dairy, fish, and or chicken (those who don’t eat red meat).  Lacto-ovo-vegetarians eat both dairy products and eggs; this is the most common type of vegetarian diet.  Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products but avoid eggs. Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy products.

Vegan – A person who does not eat or use animal products. Distinctions are sometimes made between several categories of veganism. Dietary vegans (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances.  The term ethical vegan is often applied to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is environmental veganism, which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the harvesting or industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable.

Raw Vegan – A raw foods diet is made up of fresh, whole, unrefined, living, plant-based foods: fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, which are consumed in their natural state, without cooking or steaming.

High Carbohydrate Low Fat (HCLF) Vegan – This is a vegan diet focused on eating healthier, with most of the calories (usually 70-80%) coming from carbohydrates.  People eating this way usually eat a lot of either fruit and/or grains and root vegetables, which means bread, potatoes, pasta, banana smoothies, rice, and much more. At the same time, they cut out most or all the free oils and eat limited amounts of nuts, seeds, and avocados.

80 / 10 / 10 – The goal is to get 80% of your calories from carbohydrates–primarily raw fruit–and 10% each from raw, plant-based protein and fat. Raw food and vegan diets are nothing new, of course.

I could go on for pages on the different types of diets and why they exist, but I’d rather stick to what I know works for me based on the extensive research completed by the China Study.  This study showed that the counties in China with the lowest consumption of animal fat and protein, processed foods, and sugar had the lowest incident of cancer and metabolic syndrome.  So, after extensive investigation I discovered a nutritional way to lose weight, gain energy, reduce my risk for cancer, and eliminate my metabolic syndrome.

What I do…

Limiting myself to three meals most days, helps as I used to graze or binge during the day.  Mapping out times to eat and controlling portions with tracking tools is right for me.  Without this discipline, I probably would eat too much and not know it.

I never was satisfied, so I continued to eat until time to sleep.  I was always tired, and could not concentrate without coffee or sugar stimulants.  Eliminating sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and diet sweeteners helped me stop the cravings for more and more food.  

Oils are just too calorie dense for me to eat, and since I cut out the fried foods there is little to no use for them in their free form.  I do eat fat, but as it exist in whole foods like nuts, nut butters, avocados, etc. 

I explained in this blog posting already my reason for not ingesting dairy.

Most of my meals, at least two are plant based only.  I tend to eat animal products with dinner, if at all.  This makes it easy for me, and after two meat free meals I tend not to want meat for the third.  I have not eaten any beef or pork since making this change, but chicken or fish has been consumed by me in small portions four or five times.

You may have heard that people living this way eat lots of spinach, kale, and collard greens, and that’s all. You may even think I live only on leafy and raw vegetables. However, nothing could be further from the truth.  While leafy vegetables are an important part of the whole food plant based diet, they are a very poor calorie / energy source for a sustainable diet. I would need to eat almost 16 pounds or more of leafy vegetables to get 2,000 calories of food! The new center of the diet is now going to be the starch based comfort foods most of us love, but that have long been relegated to side dishes or stigmatized because of a misconception that they are “unhealthy.”  They may be prepared a bit differently—leaving out oil and dairy, but most of them will nonetheless be familiar, calorie dense and nutritiously satiating. 

Variety is the spice of life so experiment.  I have tried various recipes, changing them to my way of eating.  I make variety part of embarking this new lifestyle in the form of delicious dishes like Sweet Potato Lasagna, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Black Bean Burgers, Thai Noodle Stir Fry, Bean Soups, Shepherd’s Pot Pie, Black Bean and Rice Burritos, Grain Bowls, Chickpea Curry, and Spicy French Fries.

I hope this helps in answering all the questions about veganism and vegetarianism.  It is best to do your research, adopt a plan, and adjust as necessary.  I did not set out to eliminate meat, but it was easy and helped accelerate improving my health.  When I started, the plan was to eat meat once a day, in actuality it has been eaten on average twice a month since starting this lifestyle.  Good luck with your journey!


Roy’s Weekly Blog September 29, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog September 29, 2017

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

I started spreading the word about this website, and I hope it is a source of motivation and at least a good reference point for starting a whole food plant based (wfpb) lifestyle.

Lots of travel this week to “acid” test this lifestyle and my commitment to it.  My family and I visited extended family in South Carolina this week.  Catching up with family that my mom had not seen for over 50 years and I have never met was a great experience.  With that came the challenges of what to eat while traveling, at the hotels, and how to eat healthy while staying with family. 

Eating while traveling by car was pretty easy, as I packed fresh fruit, nuts, popcorn and seeds.  I found a sale on bottled water, so I purchased a case for the trip.  The first night was a bit tough.  There was a celebration event that started soon after our arrival, so I tried to eat there for dinner.  Bad choice, there was nothing that fit my requirements accept mixed vegetables, and there was a reluctance by the servers to give me a sufficient helping. I was very hungry by the end of the program, but the fruit and nuts on the ride down held me until I was able to purchase mixed vegetables and rice from a local Chinese restaurant. 

The next day, after church I found a Trader Joe’s to stock up on healthy salads, fruit, nuts, etc. We stayed at a Residence Inn, so we could prepare healthy meals from the supermarket.  We did stay with a relative for a portion of the trip, and they were very accommodating to my eating preferences.  Boston Market vegetable sides with a Trader Joe’s salad was very satisfying for dinner while staying over.

It turned out to be a great trip, and I was able to successfully stay on plan losing another two pounds this week.  I forced myself to increase my calorie and fat intake (other than oil).  Many article stress consuming enough calories to lose no more than two pounds a week to avoid possibly sending your body into starvation mode and plateauing weight loss.

The plan for this week is to continue on with the two pounds a week weight loss and ramp up exercise..

Video of the Week

Brooke Miles speaks at a 2015 TEDx event in Wilmington, Delaware.

Brooke Miles, a former-dairy-fanatic-turned-vegan, is a humorous writer and a sought-after, award-winning speaker. By day, she runs her own social media consultation firm, Delaware ShoutOut. By night, she dishes up vegan “experimental” masterpieces for her meat-and-potatoes family. Some family members even eat her food. While Brooke doesn’t expect to convert the world to veganism, she aims to educate people on nutritional choices through a light-hearted approach.

Dragon’s Breath Vegan Chili

Dragon's Breath Vegan Chili

I would like to share my new favorite vegan chili recipe. It’s perfect for watching football games with a crowd since it’s a hearty meatless option that carnivores will enjoy. Plus, it can be vegan and gluten-free if you choose your toppings carefully. I transformed this recipe by altering my favorite, very meaty chili...
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 25 minutes
Course Main Dish
Servings 10 minutes


  • 1/4 cup water for vegetalbe saute
  • 3 Anaheim chills roasted, peeled, chopped
  • 3 poblano chills roasted, peeled, chopped
  • 2 red bell peppers diced
  • 2 jalapenos chills minced
  • 2 yellow onions diced
  • 1 head garlic minced
  • 4 cups of mixed vegetables (example: corn peas, carrots, and green beans)
  • 3 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 teaspoons Cayenne Pepper
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons granulated garlic
  • 2 teaspoons granulated onion
  • 2 teaspoons hot or smoked paprika
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1 cup tomato paste
  • 12 ounces lager beer
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • Two 15.5-ounce cans kidney beans with juice
  • Two 15.5-ounce cans pinto beans with juice


  • Add the water to a large stockpot over high heat. Add the Anaheim chills, poblano chills, red bell peppers, and jalapeno chills and onions, and cook until caramelized, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the garlic and sauté 1 minute longer.
  • Add the mixed vegetables, chili powder, cayenne, coriander, cumin, granulated garlic, granulated onion, paprika, salt and black pepper, and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  • Add the tomato sauce and paste, and stir to caramelize about 2 minutes.
  • Stir in the beer and stock. Add the kidney and pinto beans; lower the heat and simmer, about 2 hours.


From Food Network Kitchens; after further testing and to ensure the best results this recipe has been altered from what was in the actual episode.
I further altered to make it vegan. RS

Roy’s Weekly Blog September 22, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog September 22, 2017

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

Welcome back to the website, and I hope it is a source of motivation or at least a good reference point for starting a whole food plant based (WFPB) lifestyle.

The weight lost is back, another four pounds bites the dust this week!  I think my body had to adjust to the changes in exercise and fluid intake.  So, I am still drinking about sixteen glasses of water and exercising. While not exercising fanatically, I am doing much better than previously.  Everyday my regiment is to complete a daily progression of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.  It is getting much easier as my energy level improvements continue with the WFPB lifestyle.

I am no longer afraid of carbs, because in a day my consumption of them has been very high and my weight continues to go down and my energy up.  I have fallen in love with grain bowls for a few reasons, which are packed with carbs: Compared to plain green or veggie based salads they fill me up much more; Beans, grains, and starchy vegetables are so creamy and more enjoyable to me giving a contrast to the veggie crunch; In my opinion less dressing, as only a drizzle of no fat or sugar added dressing is needed on grain bowls.

This is really getting to be easy.  I did struggle once this week eating out when there just were no viable choices on the fixed menu for a meeting at an Italian restaurant.  My choice was to keep it simple and ate a large house salad with vinegar and oil dressing.  Eating the bland and kinda oily salad was frustrating to me, but I stuck close to the lifestyle and had another great week. Thanks for tuning in to this website…please comment.

Video of the Week

 Last month I was so excited to be approached by fellow YouTuber Malkhaz Geldiashvili of FightMediocrity, expressing interest in animating an overview of How Not to Die. What a perfect addition to my introductory video series. I sent him some narration and two weeks later it was done!

These videos that depart from my typical deep dives into the primary nutrition science literature are just my attempts at mixing things up a bit and hoping to appeal to those just opening their eyes and mouths to evidence-based eating.

Roy’s Blog Entry September 15, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog September 15, 2017

Weight Loss

-10 LBs

July 21

-10 LBs

July 28

-5 LBs

August 4

-5 LBs

August 11

-5 LBs

August 18

-5 LBs

August 25

-4 LBs

September 1

-3 LBs

September 8

-0 LBs

September 15

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

I started spreading the word about this website, and I hope it is a source of motivation and at least a good reference point for starting a whole food plant based (WFPB) lifestyle.

Woo….this week has been a physical, professional and spiritual awakening.  I am now in full swing with my workout routine – I got in five “goooood” workouts this week.  Needless to say, the body resistance workout has taken a toll on my “mature” muscles and bones.  I increased my fluid intake by twice the amount normally consumed, and I guessing that is the reason for zero weight loss this week.  This is a journey, and I know I’m following the plan, so I have no worries.  I found myself spiritually and professionally in a great place this week. I feel so alive and energized to do God’s will.

I had a great week, and my weight loss stall is not bothering me as I thought it would.

This week in going to have some new challenges, and I will include them in next week’s blog entry…

Video of the Week

Hi! I’m Devin. I’m your health coach. Over the past 7 years I’ve moved from being pescatarian to vegetarian to vegan to fully Plantiful. What is fully Plantiful? It’s a 100% plant-based diet, and it helped me drop 30 pounds without trying! No, seriously. A Plant-Based Diet is powerful. Research shows it can help prevent and reverse our leading killers, like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers!

Oat Pancakes

Oat Pancakes

I’m trying to cut white flour as much as possible. Normally when I make wheat pancakes, I do half white flour, half wheat flour. This time I took the dive and went half wheat flour and half ground rolled oats. I tweaked my recipe to remove sugar and oil…and it worked GREAT!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 13 minutes
Servings 8 medium pancakes


  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup oat flour ground rolled oats
  • 2 - 2 1/2 cups almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup apple sauce no sugar added
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


  • Sift and mix dry ingredients first
  • Add moist ingredients.
  • Mix well.
  • Heat pan well before putting first pancake in the pan.
  • After you put the first pancake in reduce heat to medium.
  • Cook remaining pancakes
  • Date Syrup - blend 1/2 cup of dates and 1 1/2 cups of water until smooth.


Roy’s Blog Entry September 8, 2017

Roy's Weekly Blog September 8, 2017

Weight Loss

-10 LBs

July 21

-10 LBs

July 28

-5 LBs

August 4

-5 LBs

August 11

-5 LBs

August 18

-5 LBs

August 25

-4 LBs

September 1

-3 LBs

September 8

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

I took the holiday weekend and gatherings to further spread the good news on this website, and I hope it is a source of motivation and at least a good reference point for starting a whole food plant based (wfpb) lifestyle.

This has been a week of new experiences.  Cook outs, business meetings at restaurants, and the introduction of mobile meals like the Soft and Chewy Baked Granola Bars.  I am evolving and did not go off track.  Planning ahead has been key.  I did scope out menus and brought with me fruit and emergency whole food.

As for introducing whole wheat pitas last week, I was able to incorporate them with moderation and without cravings. 

My workout goal of 5 days was not reached, but I did begin and did more than in the previous weeks.

I am so happy with the results this week considering being surrounded, literally, at cookouts with meat…

The plan this week is to bump up the exercise.  Talk to you all next week…

Video of the Week

Although this is about veganism, I think it is relevant.  This week, I got too caught up in the rules fat versus fat and this source of sugar versus this the other…  I had to return to the plan for WFPB lifestyle…  We cannot be so strict, that we fail..

Please remember whole versus processed in all cases, and to fight metabolic syndrome you should to reduce animal protein to less than 5% or less of your caloric intake and eliminate dairy and sugar!

Soft & Chewy Baked Granola Bars

Soft & Chewy Baked Granola Bars

Dense, chewy, soft, doughy, seedy, hearty, protein-and-fibre-packed granola bars, sweetened naturally with dates! Try them spread with nut or seed butter for a fun treat or just enjoy them plain.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Main Dish, Side
Servings 12 bars


  • 3/4 cup rolled oats ground into a flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup packed pitted Medjool dates
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt


  • Preheat oven to 325F and line a 9-inch square pan with two pieces of parchment paper, one going each way.
  • Add rolled oats into a high-speed blender. Blend on highest speed until a fine flour forms. Add oat flour into a large bowl.
  • Add water and pitted dates into blender. Allow the dates to soak for 30 minutes if they are a bit firm or your blender has a hard time blending dates smooth. Once they are soft, blend the dates and water until super smooth.
  • Add all of the ingredients into the bowl with the oat flour and stir well until combined.
  • Scoop the mixture into the pan and spread it out with a spatula as evenly as possible. You can use lightly wet hands to smooth it down if necessary.
  • Bake at 325F for about 23-25 minutes, or until firm to the touch. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes and then lift it out and transfer it to a cooling rack for another 5-10 minutes. Slice and enjoy!
  • I suggest freezing leftovers to preserve freshness.


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