Roy's Weekly Blog September 22, 2017

Roy's Individual Plan

  • Three meals a day only and tracking these meals in LiveStrong’s app
  • NO sugar, processed foods, or dairy (including diet sodas)
  • Avoid oils
  • Plant based meals at least twice a day
  • Poultry or fish consumption limited to 4oz or less daily

Blog Entry

Welcome back to the website, and I hope it is a source of motivation or at least a good reference point for starting a whole food plant based (WFPB) lifestyle.

The weight lost is back, another four pounds bites the dust this week!  I think my body had to adjust to the changes in exercise and fluid intake.  So, I am still drinking about sixteen glasses of water and exercising. While not exercising fanatically, I am doing much better than previously.  Everyday my regiment is to complete a daily progression of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.  It is getting much easier as my energy level improvements continue with the WFPB lifestyle.

I am no longer afraid of carbs, because in a day my consumption of them has been very high and my weight continues to go down and my energy up.  I have fallen in love with grain bowls for a few reasons, which are packed with carbs: Compared to plain green or veggie based salads they fill me up much more; Beans, grains, and starchy vegetables are so creamy and more enjoyable to me giving a contrast to the veggie crunch; In my opinion less dressing, as only a drizzle of no fat or sugar added dressing is needed on grain bowls.

This is really getting to be easy.  I did struggle once this week eating out when there just were no viable choices on the fixed menu for a meeting at an Italian restaurant.  My choice was to keep it simple and ate a large house salad with vinegar and oil dressing.  Eating the bland and kinda oily salad was frustrating to me, but I stuck close to the lifestyle and had another great week. Thanks for tuning in to this website…please comment.

Video of the Week

 Last month I was so excited to be approached by fellow YouTuber Malkhaz Geldiashvili of FightMediocrity, expressing interest in animating an overview of How Not to Die. What a perfect addition to my introductory video series. I sent him some narration and two weeks later it was done!

These videos that depart from my typical deep dives into the primary nutrition science literature are just my attempts at mixing things up a bit and hoping to appeal to those just opening their eyes and mouths to evidence-based eating.

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